public spaces require maintenance
Your support keeps Kim’s Garden beautiful, and available for you and your community to enjoy.
This beautiful public park honors the memory of Kim Brenegar and her lifetime commitment to green spaces.
District of Columbia Green Spaces Alliance, Inc. facilitates the acceptance of donations to “Friends of Kim Brenegar” — which funds Kim’s Garden. All donations are used exclusively for garden maintenance.
Kim Brenegar, a Capitol Hill resident and owner of the Washington, D.C. landscaping business “The Ornamental Garden,” died in a car accident in 2009 at the age of 49. The Friends of Kim Brenegar formed in 2010 to create a living legacy in honor of Kim’s love of community and the environment. We chose the renovation of a small, public park just steps from Kim’s home, where for many years she had volunteered her talents and plant materials to maintain the garden.
Community and corporate involvement, as well as foundation grants and other forms of assistance, including in-kind professional services, materials, and labor, are all vital to take Kim’s Garden from conception to fruition. And your individual donations and volunteer efforts are the lifeblood of the whole effort.